In the first 3 months of this year, the textile and garment industry's exports decreased by about 18% compared to the same period last year. Currently, most businesses are facing a shortage of orders, many businesses have to change their product structure and make non-mainstream items to be able to maintain production activities and ensure jobs. jobs for workers.
Mr. Truong Van Cam, Vice President and General Secretary of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association said: "Currently, the difficult situation is not only for the textile industry but also in general. We know that markets like the US , the European Union's economic growth has not been as expected, we think it greatly affects people's consumption.Since the beginning of the year until now, the economy has been difficult so the amount of consumption Consumption decreased markedly, inventory increased, so that's why businesses faced many difficulties.
According to Than Duc Viet, General Director of Garment 10 Corporation, textile enterprises are facing many difficulties when consumer demand decreases, the market has not shown signs of prosperity. Currently, May 10 is focusing on market work, minimizing costs, improving competitiveness by increasing labor productivity, investing in modern machinery and equipment to promote operations. production as well as quick response to customer requirements.
According to Mr. Viet: "Lack of orders, not only in Vietnam, but also in all producing and exporting countries, including Bangladesh, India, China... May 10 we are focusing on. on high quality orders, the price is average high or higher, the order is small, requires good quality, fast delivery time.
This is also a strength of May 10 because each unit like May 10 has its own entrance. In this second quarter, May 10 is basically full of orders, although the processing price, customers also have requests to reduce, but we are trying to negotiate with customers so that the discount is the lowest."
Due to the long-term fluctuations and difficulties of the market, many textile and garment enterprises soon came up with solutions to cope with the situation, ensuring the realization of production and business goals. In particular, especially strengthening solutions for yarn enterprises to maintain production, stabilize labor sources, ensure cash flow and prepare resources to catch up when the market warms up.
Many enterprises in the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex) are promoting the development of knitwear production chains, helping fabric and garment manufacturers to proactively supply raw materials, reduce yarn inventories, and increase value. incremental for the final product of the chain. At the same time, strengthen energy saving and emission reduction solutions to ensure both cost reduction and compliance with the roadmap to meet the environmental requirements of buyers.